
This is my first post in this forum. I've been browsing the internet - doing some research on a whole host of seemingly interrelated topics - and just happen to stumble upon this thread.

I was formerly-diagnosed as a gifted child and placed in a bunch of gifted programs, competitions, etc. It is strange to me that there seems to be multiple high-intelligence profiles. A few of which bearing no resemblance to the others (linear/visual thinker, high-digit/low-digit span, etc). To discuss this more in-depth would be to deviate from the topic of this thread (if I haven't wondered to far already :P) and be irrelevant, but all of this is truly fascinating to me.

I can attest a many things pertaining to this, but I'll condense it to a few short points:

1.) As a former polyphasic sleeper who clocked about 1 1/2 hours of sleep per night at one point, I do see some similarities between what you described and extreme sleep deprivation.

2.) I think that it is a point of interest, even if not conducive to finding pinpointing your answer, that heavy-duty image-streaming, which is also claimed by its proponents to raise IQ -even in adulthood, also causes these same effects.

I'm not suggesting that unbeknownst to you that your daughter is secretly an image-streamer :P. I believe, however, the link between different modes of consciousness may be stronger in certain types of gifted individuals. Perhaps, her giftedness and the symptoms you mentioned go hand-in-hand. As one of the earlier posters mentioned, a visit to the neurologist might not be such a bad idea.