Have you ever read Simplicity Parenting? Maybe it doesn't apply to gifted kids, but heck, she has a lot of choices!
What are her favorite things to do out of all those options? Maybe you should pick only one or two of her favorites to focus deeply on and get rid of the other stuff for now?

This brings to mind something I've noticed about myself and DD. This is kind of a simplistic example, but it applies to me, too, with all the activities and interests I choose in my life.

I took all of DD's toys away except for maybe 6 or 7. I bought one shelf with 6 cubbies and one toy goes on each shelf. If I do not put everything back on the shelf and leave it all on the floor where she left it, she won't play much the next day. If I add more toys to the room, she also won't play much.

The second I clean the room up and show her only a few choices, she is as happy as a clam, playing deeply with one or two of the few choices she has.

If I notice she is ignoring some of the toys after awhile, I rotate them out with other toys I have stored away. I even only leave 2 or 3 books out at a time!

Last edited by islandofapples; 08/05/11 01:27 PM.