Jojo - what is your problem exactly? Is she struggling or failing or is she just not going as hard as you would like? As long as my child was not UNABLE to concentrate, UNABLE to work hard and UNABLE to achieve a goal that was motivating them then I would be thrilled if they were crusing along enjoying life, school and extra curricullars at 10 rys old.

I see that you are also in Australia. Are you concerned about her doing well enough to get a scholarship for high school or to qualify for a selective highschool? Other than that she doesn't have to really produce the goods until yr 12 - as long as she does enough to get where she wants to go next at any point in time.

I am not sure if you have read "What a child doesn't learn"?

I have and that was SO me. So on the one hand I DO feel anxious about my children being challenged enough and learning a good work ethic, etc. On the other hand I strongly believe that 10 yr olds are still very much children and that if they are happy to cruise along then YAY! I think there is plenty of time for her to kick into high gear when she is ready, as long as she's not closing any doors for herself along the way...

I hope that came out right. My little one is demanding to go to bed so I am not able to sit and ruminate on a better answer!