Hi Jojo,

DD has a book especially aimed at gifted children (it's aimed at 10yo and younger so it might be a bit young for your daughter) which has a bill of rights for gifted kids at the end which I loved. The one that has stuck in my head since we read it together was something along the lines of "I have a right not to have work at 100% all the time and to save that level of effort for the things that are important to me and/or help me achieve my goals".

I guess I feel that when kids are young they need some guidance with regard to that statement, but the idea that it is unfair to be expected to put in 100% all the time and in every area in really struck a cord with me. Has she got something she's particularly passionate about? Perhaps if you're concerned about her developing bad habits, but are ok with her taking some time to enjoy herself you could encourage her to really focus on that area while she coasting for a while.

I don't really have any first had experience as we're at the start of our school journey, but I agree with other posters that sometimes happy for the sake of it is good. On the other hand you will know in your gut if this is real, genuine happy or resigned to the situation happy.

Good luck,


Last edited by Giftodd; 08/05/11 12:24 PM.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke