Have you looked at a list specifically about aspergers and girls? Try googling sue larkey, she has a ten point list. I am on posting on my phone at 3 am so cant post a link easily.

The quote that amertrine made above is exactly my DD too. And she was a head banger as a toddler. She has great empathy but has trouble reading cues unless they are very overt so may not demonstrate her concern until someone else is crying - at which point she often bursts into tears. Her tone of voice is often inappropriate, she goes straight to snapping rudely at us, or makes sounds like she's laughing when she is crying and then asks why we didnt help her get her sister off her...We are waiting for an assessment in sept. I am sure she has ADHD I am not sure whether there is also some asd going on. She definitely has some traits but maybe not enough for a diagnosis.