Oh wow you guys, thanks so much for your responses! I already feel better!

Kate, autism is not off the table with us, but he is a cuddly sweet boy when he is not tantrum-ing (and he's getting his way)...with eye contact, and pointing. I keep saying no, no he doesn't fit and then I start thinking...maybe. The therapists were clearly not going to make a call on any causes (they'd be crazy to on a preliminary evaluation). One did say that she was "happy to see him so affectionate." I assumed she was hinting that maybe autism wasn't a huge concern? Forgive me for not knowing the finer points of the disorder.

Ametrine, yes I think APD could be a possibility. His sister and I both have issues with this as well. I was trying to get his attention in the gym daycare the other day and he was staring fixedly over my shoulder at two women having a conversation...like they were shouting and that was all he could hear. I'll be sure to bring this up in therapy. Thanks.

Cricket3, road signs, haha, we are obsessed with octagons right now. They are kind of hard to draw (for me). Thanks for sharing your story. It helps so much!

Nautigal, DS's echolalia sounds like your son's...entire songs, everything an electronic game says, everything his talking stuffed dog says, entire TV shows. In sequence. I hear it from his crib and recognize the cadence and some of the sounds and words, but if I was hearing it for the first time, it would just sound like babble...since I've heard the toys and shows, I know he's repeating huge chunks back. LMAO on the license plates, I think the only reason he's not obsessing over those is that he's extremely brand conscious and is busy narrating what kind of car it is as we walk thru the parking lot. He likes to classify them by letters, my honda is H-car, a mercedes is Y car, etc.

I hadn't thought he was possibly an Asperger's guy, mainly because of the speech delay, but I'll keep it in mind going forward as well.

Again, thanks so much for the replies, it really means a lot!

Regards, Q