It sounds like you have some good options. Now you'll just have to wait and see which one(s) will work, and for how long. wink We do have some good schools here, and many of the best ones for HG+ kids are public (and we have open enrollment here, so you can go wherever there is space even if out of district). Although there are some great private schools here too, they do not tend to be as successful for the really asynchronous kids, and since private, they don't have to do anything special really. (You hear a lot of "Our curriculum is already at the highest levels", or "All our kids are smart.") So we are lucky there are great public options.

Yes, I can understand about not wanting to drive for preschool. And not wanting to pay more than some colleges for preschool or elementary. I wouldn't have either (and I didn't). We waited until our DS was 7 and bit the bullet on the drive, but it's a public school.

I would recommend trying to find some other families with similar kids in the area who have had success at any of the schools you are looking into. Usually when you call a school, there is a parent or two they can refer you to. Maybe you can get some names from the state DOE gifted and talented coordinator or similar person. Usually people with such unusual kids have contaced such state GT rep and asked for help, and he/she may be able to give great advice about which schools have worked best with HG+ kids like yours. You might even get a few names. If there's a state GT group, you might get some help there too.