For the most part, my DD5 doesn't like anyone-directed learning. She resists and even resents being shown or directed in any way. It can be very frustrating as a parent. She was labeled "contrary" with her pre-k teacher at 3, but at 4 and 5 learned to just go with the flow a little more and at least appear to go along with the group. She has been home schooled for the awhile now so I don't know how she will do in groups as a kindergartener. She does like group singing and dancing and stoytimes and will sit and participate for those sorts of things. She has never been in a situation that a teacher taught her something she didn't already know so I don't know how she would do with that. We have gone to a few science centers with nature talks and she listened well and asked questions appropriately so I suppose you could say she liked that sort of teacher-directed learning.

In general, she prefers to direct. She used to try to direct classes, play teacher at play time, etc. In the longrun, it may be a good trait.