Originally Posted by annette
He is newly potty-trained and we are working on all of those big boy skills right now. He has been slow to learn because he has no interest in these things and I waited and waited, hoping he would just do it himself.
Honey, I think I detect 'odd yardstick-itis' in you - as I surely had when my son was 3.

It's really hard to remember that 3 year old PGlets are really 3 in some ways. But your son can't be 'recently turned 3' and 'slow to learn' potty training at the same time - Boys trained before 3 is really 'advanced.' Boys learning at 3 is normal. There are going to be times when no matter what his vocabulary or reasoning skills, he is going to be just like an average 3 year old in aspects of his maturity.

For me lots of family members were reading at age 3, and my son just wasn't there - although he knew what sound the letters made at age 2!!! That can give one an odd yardstick. Read those 'what to expect' books and try to develop 'binocular vision.'

It isn't easy. Part of it comes with accepting that your own growing up was probably 'unusual' as well.

Love and More Love,

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