Be glad that he enjoys self-directed learning, some PG kids don't and end up with 'no learning at all!' Not really, but wouldn't you rather a child learn academics in a self-directed way than throw all that intensity into becoming the best at playing 'Pokemon Video Game?'
Ya, my DD is putting all that brain power into digging sand and dressing up. She's HG not PG but still...

Although my DD has the charming combination that she wants/needs some minor assistance/direction to learn academics but won't take direction and can't tolerate repetition either :-). I don't feel she learned a thing academically at preschool but she HAS learned to come and sit down for group time, that there are rules to be followed etc. Our preschool has a gentle but determined approach to this and it happened slowly over two years.

She did also seem to become more willing to interact with her age peers once she had finished thoroughly exploring the preschool environment in her own way and at her own pace (there was not much to actually teach her anything profound or new but it was full of none the less good quality and fun materials). Maybe it was increased maturity not running out of interest in the same materials, but to my eyes DDs path through preschool was 1) completely self driven exploration of the materials to the exclusion of anything else 2) learning to follow directions and participate fairly acceptably 3) learning to play with kids that she might not have much in common with but they could still do stuff together.