Originally Posted by athca
... at the end of testing the psych. said that the reversals will correct themselves with maturity.

My husband asked the psych. yesterday if she screened for dyslexia - she said she did and that dyslexia is more of a reading disorder and he wouldn't be able to read as well as he does if he had it...
We had the first psych who tested dd10 tell us that she couldn't have a LD b/c you have to be below average to have a LD crazy . The second psych who retested her suggested that we were hothousing her and that she didn't have anything wrong with her b/c her teacher said that she was average and had no issues in school. (The teacher had also told us that IQ scores in the 99th-99.9th were due to "good guessing.") Despite still having scaled scores on the WISC that varied from 8-19, and a lot of odd results on both that and the WIAT, that second psych report said that we should put her in average/typical classes and that she was bright, but nothing that out of the ordinary and also had no LD.

A year later, another psych looked at the constantly fluctuating school achievement scores, the prior testing, and met with me and dd over the course of a few months and came up with an anxiety and ADD dx. I still do wonder if dyslexia is part of the picture, too. Point being, 'things will correct on their own' is a cop out in my book. We got 'dd will perform highly if she wants to and the fact that she isn't means that she just doesn't want to and you shouldn't worry about it. Your worrying about her scores jumping all over the place is the source of the problem.' Somehow ignoring it didn't work for us. Dd has improved significantly in terms of academic consistency with more interventions and attention from us not from us backing off and having her excluded from the GT programming.

We, too, were told that our district wasn't sure that her IQ scores would qualify for a GT id. If scores like that don't, what does?