Hi Everyone,

I have been checking out these forums for the past couple of days. Wow - a lot of information to take in but everyone seems so knowledgeable and helpful and this is totally what I need right now!

My DS age 8.5 has always been a bright and very inquisitive kid but ran into trouble at school around the end of 1st grade and into 2nd grade when he started having difficulty with learning to read, we practiced relentlessly even though he hated it immensely and would say things like "maybe I am too stupid to learn how to read" and "I don't get this"... He did manage to figure it out and is reading fairly well, then he was having trouble writing - he can tell you amazing things about so many things but will write a 6 word sentence; illegibly with mispelled words, no punctuation and letter reversals when he has to write things down. His 3rd grade teacher (current teacher) indicated back in November that he was concerned with his progress. Around the same time DS was getting increasingly frustrated saying that other kids were teasing him that he was always the slowest and he had said to us that maybe he was too stupid for school. Teacher said he would like to have him tested at the school for an LD -we agreed that we thought there was 'something' going on, since his interest in and ability to learn was way out of line with his grades and his written output ability. Testing through our school board can take a long time, in the meantime we decided to seek testing (psych. assessment) outside of the school board to speed up the process.

These were the results (sorry I only have percentiles and not the actual score):


VCI 95th
PRI 99.9th
WMI 95th
PSI 9th (yep that is 9th not a typo)
There was no FSIQ given since the large discrepancy
GAI 99.8th percentile

He absolutely loves to learn and figure things out but does have a somewhat negative attitude towards school, his marks are not great but it really doesn't seem to bother him in the least.

We sent the psychologist's report to the school and are having our first 'official' meeting on Tuesday with his teacher and the principal (not sure if a SERT will be there or not) and have no idea what to expect.

Any advice or any more insight into what these test scores mean for my DS would be greatly appreciated!


Last edited by athca; 05/22/11 07:45 PM.