I have a child with a 50 point spread between his VCI and PSI and also has profound reading disabilities and significant writing disabilities. Like your son, his oral expression scores are very high.

I agree with Dottie that you need the WIAT subtest scores. Additionally, I would want some specific testing in reading. I'd like to see the CTOPP to test whether or not the phonological and naming skills are in place and the WJRMT and TOWRE tests to see what his word reading for real and nonsense words is under time and un-timed conditions. Given his processing, my hunch is that his naming skills and overall skills in timed situations may be low.

Also - look at his math fluency number - I'd like to see the subtest for computation. My bet is that it is low. This would be another indication that he has trouble with rapid retrieval of rote information. His overall Mathematics is pretty solid - this tests more of the abstract/conceptual skills. These kinds of patterns are typical of a one that has reading disability such as dyslexia.

Did they do any testing for grapho-motor issues? How about memory, organization or planning?