Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by Grinity
If all you want is for your son not to be subjected to the '2+2' stuff, perhaps you might consider pulling him out of school and not teaching him anything for a few years. He sounds like a self directed learner, so you can assist him if you want to, but there is a case to be made for just getting him out of that situation and not worrying about how much or what he learns for a while. You might want to read up on the philosophy of Unschooling, but I'm suggesting that you take an even lower key approach than that, IF all you really want is to stop the harm from being done.

I disagree with this advice. Pull out your son if you think it is best, but don't avoid educating him. There have been many discussions on this forum of curricula parents can use on their own.

My son is a self-directed learned, but he thrives on education. The nastiest thing I could do to him would be to take that away. However, I agree with Grinity that the school is doing more harm than good at this point. Nothing more upsetting than seeing a child who lives to learn grow to hate school. If DS was my only child, I would have pulled him out of school months ago. But I have nowhere else to send him! I cannot homeschool because I have to earn a living and I have another child involved. I know people have said it's possible to homeschool after work, before work, on weekends, etc., but the lousy wage I'd be making would barely cover daycare (if I could even find daycare for an ASD child). If I won the lottery, I would never, ever, send DS or his brother back to this school. But we have no choice, so I'm trying to find ways to make it tolerable.

I guess I was using the wrong lingo, because they don't have lingo for this stuff in our school. When I asked about "subject acceleration," I meant...how does your school handle kids who are working well above grade level in certain subjects?