I assume this is a common complaint. DS is way beyond his first grade classmates academically, and learns everything at a faster pace. Yet the school insists he do the same work the other kids in his class are doing. He learned how to tell time last year, for example, but still has to do time-telling worksheets, where he has to color in the big hand and small hand on a clock. He hates having to do this. Why are they wasting his time? I'm curious how many other schools do this. We don't want a grade skip, just a differentiated classroom. The gifted/talented class is a pull-out, and doesn't amount to much. And DS still has to go back to his regular classroom and do the 2 + 2 = 4 stuff.

So I'm curious: Does your child's school allow your DS/DD to do advanced work and skip the stuff their classmates are doing that he/she has already mastered?