We've been lucky in DD's teachers, who've allowed a lot of flexibility in the classroom. It's a little counterintuitive, perhaps, because our district is relatively small and rural, with no GT programming, no pull-out, and certainly no GT schools or magnets. But despite all this, the teachers and administrators have been remarkably flexible (especially in comparison to some horror stories I've heard on these boards).

Anyhoo, DD has had the same teacher for two years (first/second grade blend the first year, second grade the second). In first, she allowed DD to work ahead with the second graders. In second, she created all new spelling lists for her (instead of words like "that," she got words like "especially") and let her do EPGY online math while the other students were having their math lesson. She also let her bring her own books and had her do some special projects.

So I'd recommend asking at least if your son can do other activities in the classroom concurrent with but separate from his classmates. It's not the perfect solution, but it might help some . . .

(Caveat: it might have helped that DD had scores on file--KBIT and Ravens, performed by the school. Is that an option?)
