Originally Posted by E Mama
I am smiling. I hear you : ). I had an experience with a wise pre-school teacher who pointed this out to me very bluntly. We were having a meeting and my kiddo kept interrupting and she flat out told me, "You need to put an end to this now." I was a little surprised. Shouldn't four year olds interrupt? Well yeah, but the adult needs to let them know it is not okay. So, I did and we have a lot less interrupting- 4 years later!

I couldn't agree more. Whenever I felt that stressed by the need for constant interaction, I'd imagine that no friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, or employer would be able to deal with endless need for interaction and stimulation if I couldn't! If I found the level of necessary interaction intolerable, imagine what someone who wasn't required, as part of a family, to deal with my child? These were opportunities, for me, to teach that people need space. And respect for privacy. And not everything one thinks needs to be said. And there are limits to the closeness one can have, even with one's family and most cherished loved ones. And there are fabulous things to be discovered in reading quietly, playing alone, imagination within one's own head, etc. I taught my child basic meditation as a toddler. I taught self-entertainment, and activities that could be done independently. It's ok to teach a child that everyone else has desires and needs too. I even think it's seriously beneficial to the child's later social and personal development.