My DD often cannot stop talking, often with accents or strange voices, singing, often like a Broadway show tune, loves loud sounds for the sake of sound, is always moving, grabbing, doing sudden movements, etc. ALL DAY LONG. She NEVER stops. She is cranked to HIGH all the time. She also interrupts a lot and seems to need a ton of attention. She also insists on interacting with me a good portion of the day and cannot stop speaking to the point that my head will pound. I feel bad that I cannot handle this level of intensity that many hours, but I have my limits. If I ask her to back off or go in her room and busy herself so I can rest my head, she cannot seem to do it.
Lately, DD has been having fun do the whole different accents thing too. Just yesterday she made each one of her fingers talk to each other in a different accent. We've definitely entered the non-stop talking phase too and incidentally it seems to get worse around bed time.

She seems to feel the MOST need to talk if DH and I are trying to discuss something... ahh! Oh, and add to that that now she thinks it'S a good idea to rearrange our furniture (obviously, the smaller pieces since she can't exactly move the couch by herself! :D).
Just commiserating with you, no real suggestions. We TRY to do a lot of outdoor time but DD wants to just swing the entire time at the playground instead of running around getting out her energy.

Add to that that she has an ear infection, which means no swimming at the moment, one of the best ways to get rid of all that pent up energy!
We've always wanted to do a martial art with her (more for safety reasons than anything else)... when can you start with that?