Thanks for the insight, Hereandnow. I used to be right there with her connecting and meeting her intensity for a good portion of the day but I also have a three year old who is very demanding and active and some hormonal issues so I have less to give. Nonetheless, I thought about what you said yesterday and tried to truly be there when I was interacting. I am going to do that today as well, though it does seem it is never enough. I think finding some friends for her to play with would solve so many things. Perhaps if I can find an engaging program for her to be involved with that would also direct her energy. Right now she is just home full time with me, no classes, is very hard to motivate to go outside and play (doesn't like bugs, the sun, etc.) and we don't have any kids nearby. Yesterday was nice (which has been rare here. It has been raining and cold) and so I got her out a good portion of the day. Thanks everyone for suggestions, and also empathy.

One of the hardest parts for me is that I can't find quiet time to read, write, reflect, surf the Internet etc. to the extent I'd like. I need those quiet times to rejuevenate. She seems not to require any quiet, introverted moments and I have my own sensory issues. I don't like loud noises, bright lights, commotion, and yet I gave birth two two loud, active, sensory seekers! She also crashes into me hard, leans hard, and elbows me etc. I have to be on guard LOL

She wakes at 5 am and doesn't nap, then can be up until 8:30 at night and by that time, I am exhausted! I have done things to tweak her sleeping, but have accepted she will always wake up early and be on fire before the rest of us have come to full consciousness. Acceptance is the name of the game in some ways. Yesterday I decided that the road to happiness for me was to let go of doing the things I wanted to do for myself: working in the yard, reading. When I try to do them, I get frustrated because she is so disruptive. If I don't try to do them, then there is less of a battle. Some day when she is in school or more independent, I guess I will read, write, and garden...

oh, to all those who mentioned video games, do you have any recommendations?