I am starting to gather info on home schooling for us - as a just in case. Honestly, although DS(4) is in a gifted pre school we are just not 100% convinced that it's going to always be a good fit. Right now we are about 90% sure that he is not encouraged to work at his own personal ability level and I am in a mental mess about everything right now. He starts back on Wednesday this week after a month's break and I am waiting to see what will happen. He and I had a great chat about him telling the teacher what he wants to do and work on, so we will see how that goes.
There is also the financial aspect. Next year we will have two kids in the school, and then a third to join them a few years later. Right now I am doing more teaching at home after school in the afternoons anyways so the only difference would be that I would be saving a whole boatload of cash if I did it at home - and this would free up cash for trips, outings, extra murals etc.
So yes please I'd love the Ultimate thread - all online resources can be used here too and I can share the ones I have found locally as well