I would love to have "The Ultimate Home School Thread"!

As you are thinking of getting started:

I found Creative Home Schooling by Lisa Rivero (http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Home...mp;s=books&qid=1302386243&sr=8-1) to be the most useful book for me when I started home schooling. It methodically walks you through the choices you need to make, provides clear information, and has quotes from kids who have been home schooled. People have some many specific suggestions, and that is great and I use a lot of the resources folks have mentioned here (Khan Academy, Well-Trained Mind, Singapore Math). But this book helped me get started so I had a priorities and more confidence.

Also, there can be great local or state homeschooling groups--they can help you understand your state's law, contacts with local groups, provide support for you, etc.

Good luck and best wishes!