I had EJ (5y5m) take the DORA this morning. It has his vocabulary at a mid 5th grade level and recommended LGL Edge reading. (I wish I could copy and paste a pdf document!)


"EJ was found to be above grade level in semantic and graphophonic portions of this test. The semantic area of the test addresses EJ's ability to understand what he reads. The graphophonic portion of the assessment deals with the ways in which individual words are read or written. EJ's above grade level scores on all or most subtests indicate EJ s a strong reader who can decode well and is able to access many strategies which aid in his comprehension."

The only thing I didnt find was a reading level. If anyone knows where it is buried in here I would appreciate the help!


eta the LGL Edge series are recommended for grades 5 and up. That being said.. he is no where near a 5th grade reader. His vocabulary is huge. Dora works like MAP as it gets progressively harder when they get the correct answer

Last edited by frannieandejsmom; 05/02/11 01:05 PM.