Thank you everyone, I'll have a look at the DORA.

lucounu, I won't be giving the teacher results, it's more for my self-confidence in talking to her about it IYKWIM.

I suspect she's has higher vocabulary and understanding than her mechanical reading ability. She's been like a car revving in neutral for ages, building really impressive pre-literacy skills.
Originally Posted by AlexsMom
If your DD's choices are limited at school, or she perceives that they're limited, no harm in talking to the teacher now. If her choices are unlimited, or she's not bothered by the limitation, probably no point in making a deal about it so close to the end of the school year.

They cluster, and the K teachers and the 1st teachers sit down together to decide on classes. And I want to hit the ground running next year since we lost pretty much all of this year in trying to go gently with them. I figure that's most likely to work if the report from this teacher says she's reading at an accurate level than if it's an underestimation. Because she is going to progress crazy fast over the summer.

Last edited by Tallulah; 05/03/11 05:53 AM.