Originally Posted by AlexsMom
Yes, DORA can be done at home: http://www.letsgolearn.com/lglsite/DORA_K_12/parents/

The material it will recommend will be one of their proprietary reading products.

It doesn't actually recommend any specific materials, as far as I can tell. The full teacher's report does include a bunch of recommendations and strategies for reading and learning, but skimming them just now I didn't see any promotion for another product by that company.

I'm not trying to push the DORA test by any means; it is what it is, a quickie reading assessment you can do at home. I think it was worth the $20 for us, though it wouldn't necessarily be for everyone. I don't think it's just a promotional scam or anything, although I was worried about that before we bought it.

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick