I know reading level is complicated, involving comprehension as well as decoding and sight words. But I'm trying to figure out if I should say something to my daughter's teacher.

At school she's reading level 1.6 AR books, at home she's reading 2/3/4. This morning she read 47 pages of a book that is apparently 4.8. She is really obsessed with a series that has books from level 2.5, and I didn't realize this one was so difficult. How do I tell if it's too difficult for her? Does it matter if it's too hard if she's that motivated?

I do ask questions about what happened in the story, and I've done the thing where you count how many words they stumble over. Is there a way I can make sure of what level she's reading at before I gently nudge the teacher to give her harder books at school?

(yes, this is the child who wasn't reading at all in November!)

PS: what makes a book harder? The one she read this morning doesn't look any harder than any of the others.