Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
a) if it isn't easy, I must not be good at it, so I won't try and you can't make me

If it's any consolation, HK, my DS14 could have written the above rule, and yet, magically, he has just returned home on break and is playing basketball. And when he loses he says: 'Good Game' in a confident calm voice.

I think it's part a great fit at his school and part due to the last 2 years of Nurtured Heart Approach, but whatever it is, it's like that credit card commercial......priceless.

Even homeschooling can't meet the needs of some 'far edge of the curve' learners, unless the child is all around ready for college, at a very early age and the parents are willing. Asynchrony can be a very bitter pill.

I actually used these 'symptoms' as a guide to which direction to take with my DS. If the symptoms decreased, I'd do more of that, if they increased then I knew I had to change course.

Love and More Love,

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