Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Instead, she's learned:

a) if it isn't easy, I must not be good at it, so I won't try and you can't make me

b) I can't look less than perfect, because that might mean that I'm not really as smart as everyone seems to think that I am

c) Education is about showing off what you know

d) Education isn't about novelty

e) school is about not getting tripped up so that you don't get less than 100%

f) "not knowing" makes me feel stupid, and I don't like that feeling. Ergo, I don't like it when I don't already know something

g) I should avoid risks, since that is what leads to feeling stupid after I make mistakes,

e) most of life is about busywork.

frown Sad.

Wow, that is so me.