here's some suggestions - hopefully good ones!
Originally Posted by frannieandejsmom
I think this will be the response .
Mrs. X,
Can you give Frannie the second grade math work on top of any other work she may be getting? Thanks for including Frannie in the enrichment group, however, I am making a written request that she be subject accelerated into the 2nd grade group. Even with the Enrichment, The reality is, she is finding the work very easy. I would rather have her challenged than bored.As a parent, I am concerned that my daughter be given the same opportunities to develop a good work ethic as the other children, and this won't happen in her current 1st grade placement, even with the special enrichment. I will be more then happy to work with her at home if need be. As we found at the beginning of the year when she took the end of first grade test and thru MAP testing, she knows most of the 1st grade material, and it is impossible to develop a healthy approach to learning if challenging material is not encountered on a frequent basis.

I understand that you may not feel comfortable to commit the school to a course of subject acceleration, so if we need to set up a meeting to clear this at a higher level, please do so.

Thanks for your time

Ok - never use the b-word (bored)
It's not about what you want, it's about what's best for the child.
Every child deserves a chance to develop good work ethic.

Anyone go a link to the article 'What a child doesn't learn?'

Good luck!

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