I think a lot of the people posting on here are correctly identifying the special needs of their children and taking steps to deal with these needs.

But there are those who go through a great deal of effort and torture themselves in all sorts of ways for nothing more than status. This may not be the case for most on here, but there are people who do this to both themselves and their children.

I do however feel there is a need for labels to identify how best to deal with a child's special needs. But I do see how some people would find the term gifted as offensive as it seems to only be applied to a subset of gifted talents. Plus I feel it is far too broad a term for even this subset of talents.

There are some children who will have a combination of the recognized talents, yet also have more in common with children not typically recognized as gifted. There are cases where I feel some of these children will find a lot of problems with being placed in an environment of the more typical gifted children.