Maybe she lives with a child on the tail end but has not found a way to know that.....Just another side, having a kid who "failed" the school tests (Cogat)for the gifted program at school and then years later when privately tested with someone knowledgeable about gifted, scored quite high...When I was dealing with the school system and watching my kid along side other "gifted" kids who passed the Cogat...I could imagine saying something like "how do you know" Having had the experience of really needing services with a child who was as I call it getting sick... She was in a bad way when we finally took a chance and left what was suppose to be the best school in town and branched out to a charter school.... I think being cynical about the situation does not mean she has not had some kind of experience. Personally I wish we could just give each child what s/he needs regardless of test scores and that experience would dictate what that child needed.... just my wish for us all.