I'm writing this in hopes that the Title 9 marketing people conntect to the link and read this...so geared more toward them. My experience of the word "gifted" in middle to upper middle class society...whom I'm sure that Title9 clothing is geared is:
People seem jaded toward the word. There seems to be a perception that every Mom thinks their kid is gifted. While it's true that every child has gifts...not every child is scholastically gifted. Some mothers seem competitive about this and seem to think it reflects poorly if their child is not deemed scholastically gifted. I think many in society do not know that there is a big difference between highly intelligent and gifted--the gifted child's brain will process things at a faster rate and be ready to move on to the next thing. The gifted child may also have different emotional needs than other kids their age. Those of us whose children are scholastically gifted realize that there are 2 sides to this issue. Yeah...it's great to have a child for whom traditional school appears to be a breeze...but it certainly has its downsides as well...some children are so far ahead of what is going on in their grade at public school-- that if the school is not willing to arrange something different we can have a whole host of issues...boredom...acting out in class...etc.

Last edited by cecenk; 04/21/11 11:48 AM.