I'd say there's a ton of new stuff to find out. Geographically there's space, the final frontier, spiritually there's still suffering and wars and violence to end with respect and dignity, there's still disease, hunger, aging, overpopulation, we're losing species-should we make new ones? We have a lot of questions. We still have needs here on earth. After we address the needs we still have questions. No, our kids do not have to wordy about not having stuff to study and not having anything meaningful they could be doing with their lives. Plus we have complex social/ financial that they can play for a challenge or regulate for a bigger challenge. Study society, study living bodies, study the o-spheres. There's still stuff to do, IMO. You could spend a lifetime just trying to preserve and archive our world's history-someone should. Everybody talks about the leaders and followers, what about the workers. Oh, because the march to the beat of their own drum.

I should really begin practicing better Grammer, my appologies. Just feels so great to feel like I'n having a heart to heart with kindred spirits weither or not we see eye to eye.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar