Speaking of Einstein, what about this 2011 guv'ment shut down? So what's that even mean? Congress is still in session, the post office is open today, and the schools are open today? Does this happen a lot, does anyone know?

"I say tomato, she says bowling shoes." -Larry the Cable Guy

Good topic Val. I think uh, well... Do we need another Einstein? What about Alexander the Great or Tomas Edison, or whoever's going to build the starship enterprise. Was Tomas Edison as smart as Einstein, but one was theoretical and one was applied science? Wait, fine. I'll google it. 145-180. Hey Lincoln and George Washington were OG.

I'll bet the only pre-requisite is degree of desire for the truth. At one point in time I was less OG. That's what I had more of then that I have less of now. And belief there was the truth, something solid enough to continually refine a search for. And if you like truth too much that really screws with you socially, making you socially desirable to a great extent, but incompatible beyond that.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar