Originally Posted by Justin
I would have to be a bother to each of the teachers in turn for independent tweaking in each class to avoid pushing for acceleration. If I push for acceleration I�ll be talking about trying to move him to 4th and up classes. He is just a kid genuinely passionate about genuine learning.

Sweetie Pid Justin - so very not clear!
First you say that acceleration will not do anything for him. and that you would have to push for it. Then you say that the principle has made it availible to both kids whenever you say the word. You don't know that it won't help. He might be a lot less lonely with older kids. Sure, he'd need subject acceleration too, but why not try what the public school has to offer. As far as I can tell your only complaint with the public school is that he is lonely, and that he is in the wrong classroom and you'd have to tweak every single teacher to get agemate classes to work.

2nd you say he isn't Davidson YS material, even though he is 'way beyond' your first born and your first born is 2 points away from qualifying with his GAI 143 when 145 is needed. It's possible that one a different day your older would have scored lower, but it's also possible that your older would have scored higher - 2 points is hardly enough to be sure. If verbal or performance IQ scale alone is over 145 for either child then you are halfway there. My head hurts - yours must be killing you! Can we say 'Denial is not just a river in Egypt?'

3rd you say that the private school is on the table, but that if you moved to be near the school, you'd (or someone in the house) would have a dangerously long commute to work. Is getting a new job a possibility? If not, then this option is not on the table. Maybe I misread? maybe you mistyped? Is the private school on or off the table?

I did like it when you said academic isn't everything. I agree, but knowing that you have a child who was able to get the principle to jump through hoops in kindergarden makes me wonder if you are in the land of wistful thinking there.

Maybe your middle boy is just fine in school and you need to see where the chips fall?

Lots more journaling, lots more posting (if I'm not scaring you off - I hope not) and as they say: 'Don't just do something, sit there!'

I think that when the new MAP scores come back that there are going to be some interesting developments.

Love and More Love,

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