So, DS sorted out the hoof-to-table thing way early. He pointed at a fish in the grocery store at nine months, and asked "ded?" Then there were a few other reasons we knew he'd gotten the concept. But he didn't seem bothered by it.

Then, recently, we went to the whale exhibit at a local museum. There was a cartoon of some maori myth that involved someone chopping a piece off a living whale and eating it. Apparently that was the missing peice, because half a lifetime after the original grocery store moment, we had this long drawn out thing about death and eating meat. He's over it now. Today was the day of distinguishing "meat" from "meet." I have never heard so many "meat" puns in a day. He also sorted out that his feet were meat, so... I guess that means he's got the whole she-bang. Or at least the idea of how thewhole she-bang goes together.


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!