Originally Posted by kickball
HA! I didn't even know the first one could read. Figured a little here or there. Preschool teacher just thought she had a photographic memory. Until an american girl catalogue arrived, she wanted a doll. She was going on 5. I said sure when you can read a book like that (chapter books that come with the dolls) you can. She made me take her to the library (as I believed everything in the house was memorized).

Yeah, doll's name is elizabeth. I don't know what I think about these teach your baby to read programs. Here seems like they wake up one day and you are left wondering - what the heck?

I am shaking my head in agreement with you on this one. laugh DD8 was not quite 4 when she decided to let it be known to the rest of us she could read. I almost dropped supper all over the kitchen floor as she sat there reading a new book from the library to me with no problems at all! We had been snow bound and finally made it to the library and I had read a million books to her that day and really needed to get supper made. She wanted to read more, so I said she could read to me while I made the food. - I was definitely sitting there asking "What the heck? How did I not know you could read?" DH was even more shocked when he got home from school.

I would agree with others also that it isn't hot-housing if your learner is willing and able and eating it up. I don't see it as any different than any other parent helping their child learn to read - just that we tend to do it at an unusually early age.