Well, in truth most other people are way too polite to say so to your face.

They mostly use anonymity there, or snipe to others about your obvious deficiencies as a person. wink

Make no mistake, it isn't everyone, by any means. But for some parents that really do seem to measure their self-worth by some cosmic competition to see whose kids are "better" than theirs, this is pretty much a given.

THOSE people are absolutely toxic to parents of GT kids. They'll dig and dig for ANYTHING that seems to be a potential flaw in you, your parenting, or your child... and then crow about it. Passive-aggressively, of course... so it always sounds as though it is "concern" for your family.

But it isn't. (I find that kind worth active avoidance myself.)

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 02/16/11 09:00 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.