Anyone else experience this? Hanni (2y10m) pretends to read -- she gets me to name words in books, and she "reads" familiar books from memory. And I catch myself thinking, "Wow, I hope she really is learning to read!" And then I think, "Where did THAT come from?" I have no investment in her being an early reader. Or so I thought.

Here's what I think. If she started reading before 3, the staff at the preschool would finally get it. I love her preschool, but it's clear they don't get her. I told the teacher how Hanni said, "We sleep all in a row. We sleep one night, and then we sleep the next night, and then . . . " The teacher gave me a nice smile, like, what a cute story. Then I added a throw-away comment about how this was her mentally using linear space to represent time. And the teacher stopped, and her whole expression changed. And she said, "Wow. That's . . . really amazing. REALLY amazing." Which made it clear that a) she doesn't notice this stuff about Hanni herself, and b) even when she sees it (or hears the story) she doesn't get it for herself what it means. So I think, "Dang. If Hanni started reading, they'd HAVE to get it."

Anyone else been-there-done-that? Don't get me wrong, I would never pressure her, but even just having the thought ("C'mon kid, you can do it!") kind of shocked me.