I may be projecting my experience onto your post, but I think raising a child who is gifted can be a little anxiety provoking. It does feel like a big responsibility. Maybe if those teachers in that little classroom understood what's up with your child, it might feel like they were carrying some of the weight. They might even be able to be on the alert in case your child was "having trouble" socially. It might feel like they were in your corner.

I was lucky to have a couple of preschool/Kindergarten teachers that "got" my child way before I did. They had to give me the "do you realize your child is doing xyz" talks. There is something extremely comforting in knowing that your child's teacher gets her. That's she is in a safe place where she won't be misunderstood, and that she might even get to flourish.

I think training on identifying and understanding gifted children should be part of the requirements for anyone teaching preschoolers.