Again, I'd have to say it depends on the school. We use Pa Cyber Charter which is obviously for residents of Pa. The students have to do 180 days of school just like the students in the traditional school setting (as a charter school must meet the same criteria as your regular run of the mill school) although his teacher offered to have his 4th grade curriculum sent out before he was even finished with the 3rd grade stuff so that he'd have it. I told him he could wait and have it sent in August as I did want my son to enjoy his summer and we did already have some things planned for the summer months but I did ask if they (the school) reccommended one summer program for gifted students over another. The teacher informed me that they did offer their own enrichment over the summer and after going over some of those materials my son selected foreign language and a discoveries in reading program he's working on although it's completely optional. Next year I plan on getting him into the program that Mansfield University has over the summer. shocked ) Anyway, I know the school we're using allows the teachers to order curriculum for students whenever parents want it but I can't say that all schools offer it that way. If there comes a time that you're seriously looking into it then I'd say just call around to potential schools and ask every question you can think of. I was so nervous about making the leap from the traditional school and worried that I would mess my poor kid up but now I'm so happy we did it and he's so happy too. From reading what you've said about your son it seems like things are a little different and certainly you don't want to see him suffer if he is thriving right now with the social aspect of things. My son was clearly being singled out by kids who were telling him he couldn't play with them because he was younger then they were etc etc and that wasn't exactly a benefit at all. He is the youngest and the smallest almost everywhere he goes and most children are accepting of him but some of them just don't have any sense of manners I guess and that really hurts him. I hope your school is able to find a way to challenge your son so he can stay with his friends and still get something out of school as well.

"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous