Well, again, this will depend on the type of school you could go with (cyber and cyber charter are different and I personally prefer charter myself because it puts control of the education in the hands of the parents) but a lot of the cyber schools do offer networking between families that are using them so the kids keep the social thing going. My son enjoys karate and played baseball through our local parks and recreation this year and will try basketball in the fall as well. The YMCA has a lot of programs available here although I have not signed him up for anything because for a 7 year old he's pretty busy already. I know our ped. is always on me about the social thing and I did discuss the option of leaving the traditional school setting before we made the leap last year with my son and he was all for trying it and now he never wants to go back. In fact the few times he wanted to drag his feet about his school work I looked at him and said "ok I'll call up the guidance counselor and tell him you're coming back to sit in the classroom." and he was right back at the desk working his tail off. I hate to sound like an ogar because really I'm not. That boy worked very hard last year to meet his goal of completing 2 grades in one school year so I don't ride him too hard about anything these days. He's enjoying his summer and has taken up Spanish as a second language...which his cyber school supplies as OPTIONAL enrichment for the summer. Well, now I'm on a tangent. I know it's not the answer for everyone, but if a school is going to leave your child behind so to speak then I say you have to remind yourself that you're the only one that's going to fight for him and make his education right. Good luck and I do hope you find something that works out for him and his future. I don't know anything about dyspraxia but allegedly my son is ADHD on top of giftedness. I don't know if I believe it though. There is too much of a parallel between the two and if he's not challenged enough of course he doesn't pay attention....but what do I know? I really don't know anything actually. I'm not the smart one, he is. shocked )

"Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he's not
interested it's like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it
eating." -Anonymous