Met w/school psych last night. We will get something in writing next week, as we ran out of time in our meeting and will meet again next week. Suffice to say, understanding this is a daunting task! Here's what we know...hope it makes more sense to you than it does to us.
FSIQ 138
PRI 139/99.5%
WMI 148/99.9%
PSI 126/96%
VCI 110/75%

She said he would need another test if we want to get MORE details re: WMI, as he hit the ceiling at 19. She did say that the VCI score could be due to a couple things - whether or not he was really tired of the testing and just stopped trying or (and this is our opinion as well as hers) what his experiences have been. She gave us an example, though not an actual question from the test, and we knew immediately why he answered the way he did. When we explained to her, she understood too, but that doesn't change the test result. With the 138 FSIQ, he's good to go into most gifted programs here in Ohio, so should we worry? She doesn't seem to think so - she says he's sheltered and we need to let him grow up, that his responses in the VCI showed "immaturity". Thoughts anyone?
PS - on the MAP score issue - she doesn't think we need to know any scores because they are something the TEACHERS use, not parents. We may pursue this further.