Private school. We've looked into our local public schools as well, both the one he would attend based on where we live and one in a nearby city, both with GT programs. It so happens that 4 of our neighbors are public school teachers and only one of them has advised me to look into her school; the other 3 have told me it would be a mistake to send him to their particular GT program for various reasons. We considered homeschooling a few years ago but he was very shy and timid, and we were advised by his PK teacher to continue attending school at the time. He has since totally blossomed, LOVES his friends, so we feel it was a good decision. His closest friend (also gifted) left this year to attend a private school w/GT program and they are very happy. They left for the same reasons. We are looking into that school even though it's further away; another friend (not gifted) has applied to that school as well. We visited the school and are impressed with their GT program. They carefully accelerate each student based on individual testing and emotional readiness. The school has counselors, paraprofessionals, teachers, etc. trained in gifted education, though that's just a small part of their total population. What we really like about it is that when students reach the junior high level academically, the gifted counselor prepares an individual curriculum tailored to each student. I have asked around and it appears they actually do what they say they will do. We'll see. Suggestions?