Hi Shift,
Welcome. So glad you posted.
I have a few questions.
1) You originally wanted to be a theoretical physicist, then later you talk about wanting to go to medical school. What changed, and why? Are you interested in being a clinical physician or research?
2) You mention AS. What kind of support team have you built locally? What kind of personal growth have you seen along the lines of 'living in an NT' world?
3) Do you have any mentors? Professors at CC? Medical Doctors? It sounds like whoever 'sorted you out' medically is probably a great doctor - is she or he willing to act as your Mentor as well?
4) Where - exactly - are you on your path? Are you attending CC now?

Bottom line, based on what I've got so far:

Read 'What color is your parachute?' Do the steps - get to know yourself. I don't care how much money you make - I want you to be happy and contribute to the world! Also read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" if you haven't already.

Do some journalling (here or at home) about what your current interests are.
Find some 'real world' application that you can do as a hobby while you are getting your credentials so you can get Mentors. If you still love theoretical physics - read papers and send emails to the authors asking questions about their work and about if they have any 'summer internships' available. Keep building relationships with these folks even if they can't help you materially right away.

If you aim for Theoretical Physics or Math, you can always switch to Medicine, which is less competitive, because you'll have a great background academically. Of course the problem with Clinical Medicine is that it's a bit of a meat grinder, and one needs strong empathy skill and strong physical, sensory, and emotional constitution and a few other things that are completely unrelated to IQ - remember that the training is based on a military model. My guess is that you'd contribute more to the world as your own slice of steak than ground beef, but I've just met you, so take me with a grain of salt.

Smiles and Hugs and Pockets of love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com