Oh my! Thank you all I am in tears now because I don't feel so alone. It is so hard to hear her pain. All of you had so many great words.

Seablue- Oh I wish they could commute. I am sorry you are having the same experiences. And Oh my, the grandma and subway thing.....that was Ansley while Nana was here. She took Nana and made her play pretend for hours and hours and hours. My mom was such the trooper and Ansley si miserable that Nana has left t go back home because she had that undivided play. I am not great at the Play stuff but I am going to have to be!

Yes DD tries to ignite play, it just doesn't happen much with that age group I guess.

ABQ mom- Thats exactly what works best and what I have told DH I am going to do on play dates, those are the ones where DD is the happiest after because she got to do something with them.

Micheala- Your post made me smile. You are so right.

Kvmum- You know I have noticed the same thing. She is being so much more tolerant in public but she is craving metal stimuls more after and she is more frusterated, emotional, etc at home soon after.

Jesse- I know, I need to meet more moms and see if we can try. I know DD would be happier.

Grinity- I always feel like you really understand and after reading your post I just sighed and felt some peace. It is so hard hearing her express those feelings but well she feels them.

Things are better tonight. She went down, no problem. And we had dinner with one of her firends tonight. We meet at Safeway (yep the grocery store is one of the only resturants here!) And we had sandwiches and the girls played and DD got frusterated once, but her friend while she didn't understand exactly what the senario DD was acting out involving "Knights and Saviors" She hid with DD under the table etc, and DD told me in the car on the way up the mountain. "Mom, it felt like it fit okay tonight."
I was so thrilled that she was at least happy!

Alright I am off to bed. DH left the island for work for a few days so I will have my hands full.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.