We're starting to see perfectionism too, and it's totally gonna kill me. Did you know even reusable stickers can't be repositioned over a dozzen times by a little boy with cookie on his hands?

I've noticed that the best kids for DS to play with are only children. They're often a little lonely to begin with, and they don't make assumptions based on their little siblings. Once, DS got totally shafted by a kid who clearly assumed that all kids DS's age had average motor skills, and could read. After keeping an eye on them for a while, I'm pretty sure the little brother was more precocious than DS intellectually, but not in fine motor stuff. Big Bro was just going by what he knew. DS was livid to be talked down to, and frustrated because he didn't understand at the same time.

The only solution was to go get bannanas in the caf.

Uh: Upshot:

I can see why she wants a friend who "Fits," but she might have to learn to deal with dissapointment. I STILL haven't had a friend who fits, and I'm almost 10 times her age!

But maybe try to find a free-range only child?

Why do I sometimes feel a bit like I'm blind and trying to lead the sighted folks about? smile


DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!