Thank you all. I was so down last night and this morning....

Inparent- thank you so much. Hmm okay to answer questions...

-taking extended vacation- not really an option with the cost to get off the island. We are going to my mom's in Louisiana for two weeks in March/April but going back to PA isn't possible unfortunatly nor is having her firend comes here tovisit with the cost of a round trip ticket for one being over $2000

-are we obligated to live here for the duration of her childhood?-
Nope, and we probably wont. We moved her for DH's job and it was a great career oppertunity. We will most likely be here at least 3 more years though so that is tough.

-ferry trip-
Not happening LOL. The ferry runs once a month for 6 months out of the year (not running right now) and it is a 5 day ferry trip to mainland alaska. Yep we are out there LOL.

I talked to her about that I could be her friend but she very politely explained that I am an adult and she needs a kid, but I do think I will end up being it for a while

We had to leave our pet when we moved here, and she wants a hamster, but I am not sure how to get one on this island.

Locounu- Thank you for telling me its okay to do that. I have felt iunsure how to handle talking to her about the differences she is noticing.
Thats what I am trying to do, help her appreciate her other fiends, showing what they are good and at how they can be friends and enjoy playing together even if she feels its not a perfect fit.
Yep, there are older kids who don't got through walls on mazes, LOL She was doing mazes with one the other day smile

Cathy A- That would be a great idea, now I just need to find one. We have had one kid babysit who is an really gifted teen and was great with her. He said she reminded him of himself at that age. I think I need to look into having him come over a couple of times a month.

Thank you all I was just so distraught last night to hear her so miserable.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.