We are unschoolers. We don't have a routine or curriculum but I've found a bit of a rhythm that works for him on home days (we spend a lot of time out and about and also at my partner's house).
Mornings are the best time to invite him to write or work on things he finds difficult. It isn't worth trying when he is tired as the meltdowns are massive. He likes me to sit with him while he does this.
He reads by choice throughout the day, sometimes several hours, sometimes just at bedtime. He reads his current novel (Harry potter and the Chamber of Secrets atm) aloud or to himself, or he reads a library book (usually non fiction) to me or occasionally to himself.
The evening, after dinner, is when he does maths. He only really likes to do a few problems at a time but will watch khan academy videos for an hour or two. He seems to get into a groove when dark falls and he really enjoys it. The problems he likes me to sit with him for, but the videos he enjoys alone.
He has around 2 hours of screen time during the day, plus we might watch a nature documentary together.
The weather is getting warmer here so we go for walks down to the beach in the afternoon and we talk about all sorts of things, often inspired by things we see washed up. This often triggers a google search back home.