
I'm wondering what your HS day looks like. This is mine and it's killing me and all of my dreams of getting anything beyond HS accomplished.

I manage to convince my DD6 to get started by 10 am, this is a major accomplishment in and of itself. She then spends the next 10 hours alternating between playing, complaining and doing 'schooly' things. All toll she puts in about 3 or 4 hrs. for 'schooly' part of things. She has a lot of freedom in her choice of activities. Everyday is a bit different but in a nutshell it goes something like this.

* 30 minutes (in total) of a mix of spelling, vocabulary &/or grammar
* 30 minutes of writing (what she writes is completely up to her)
* 30 minutes of independent reading (again, her choice of material)

* 1 hour of math (I have 2 shelves full of math materials, nothing 'assigned', other than a grade 1 math workbook, just to make sure we cover the bases, it's super simple for her, despite her strong dislike for math....)

* 30 - 60 minutes (in total) of science, history and/or geography (here she generally works for an hour solid, fav. subjects)

Typically she breaks things up into 15-30 minute chunks and then plays for long stretches of time with DS3. After about 30 minutes I try to bring her back. A large part of her day is spent outside and drawing. I also suspect that she has ADHD because she is unable to work independently whatsoever, she needs to be prompted to return to her chosen activity every 5 minutes unless she is in a hyper focus frame of mind. I've been reading tons about ADD/ADHD and she shows virtually all of the symptoms. For a while I let myself believe that this was all just 'over excitabilities', or just her age, or the nature of HS but I really don't think that this is the case anymore. We are in the process of hoop jumping for a referral. Anyway....

DD absolutely is unable to work any other way, we have tried. I have tried 'deschooling' in hopes of getting to a happy 'unschooling' situation but this doesn't work for her at all and ironically I found it completely stressful but that's another story.....

My question is, am I expecting too much?

I would love to know how you approach your day. And I welcome any and all feedback, not just from those of us that are HSers.

Thanks, as always,
