A friend of mine homeschooled her sons for a year. Dinner prep and bed making were on the curriculum.

I just did a big 'flylady' experiment here - I'm wondering if your physical environment is dragging you down. It seems like with small kids running around that clutter is just plain undefeatable, but really it isn't. It takes working smarter, not harder though.

I think it would be hard on me to still be homeschooling at 8pm. Is there anyway you can quit at 2pm? That way she can do socialization stuff with the kids who go to school and you aren't so 'on' so many hours a day.

Is there a strong local Homeschooling community? Perhaps one day a week can be for playdates or taking turns with other moms being the teacher?

I've heard that over the years that HS kids get better at working independently...but you may be exactly right about the ADHD. At the very least I would 'shamoo' her by praising even 60 seconds of staying on task.

Best wishes,
Grinity - not a homeschooler

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